About Thein Security

Thein Security was created by integrating top companies specializing in various areas of cybersecurity, which brings you as a customer an exceptional combination of expertise and comprehensive solutions under one roof. The company is constantly growing and adding expertise.

The team of experts at Thein Security has deep knowledge and many years of experience in the field of cybersecurity. Their continuous education and professional certifications guarantee that your safety is in the hands of top specialists who have a proven knowledge of the most advanced technologies on the market.

Thein Security history

How time went by with Thein Security




Launch of own SOC (Security Operations Center)

H-Square ICT Solutions and EpicCom acquisition

Diamond Innovator Partner Palo Alto Networks

COmpany name change and new address of Thein Security s.r.o.


Second Executive officer of Thein Security s.r.o., Michal Polesný


Our Company DNA, what is important to us

Our Mission

Our Vision

Our Value Proposition

Thein Security Values

Team Thein Security

Irena Hýsková

Ondřej Remeš

Petr Zahálka

Marek Ornst

Jiří Mrózek

Jan Pinta

Jan Linhart

Oldřich Gosman

Patrik Budz

Jakub Dzúrik

Andrea Laušmanová

Šárka Novotná

ISO certification

Company details

Pikrtova 1737/1a, 140 00 Praha 4 – Nusle

Business Register: Thein Security: filed at the Prague Municipal court, section C, mark 109813

IČO: 27415546

DIČ: CZ 27415546

Email: info@thein.eu

Data box: z4vpz29

Bank account number  95111159/5500 SWIFT RZBCCZPP

IBAN CZ1555000000000095111159

Call us: +420 277 278 778

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