About Thein Security
Thein Security was created by integrating top companies specializing in various areas of cybersecurity, which brings you as a customer an exceptional combination of expertise and comprehensive solutions under one roof. The company is constantly growing and adding expertise.
The team of experts at Thein Security has deep knowledge and many years of experience in the field of cybersecurity. Their continuous education and professional certifications guarantee that your safety is in the hands of top specialists who have a proven knowledge of the most advanced technologies on the market.
With a proactive approach and constant monitoring of the latest industry trends and threats, you can be sure that they will be ready to protect your digital assets with maximum efficiency and precision.
Thein Security history
How time went by with Thein Security
We started years ago with the acquisition of netpointers s.r.o. and since then we have been gradually adding more colleagues and competencies so that we can offer you the maximum number of cybersecurity services.
netpointers s.r.o. was established
Thein acquired netpointers s.r.o.
Irena Hýsková CEO of the company
Launch of own SOC (Security Operations Center)
H-Square ICT Solutions and EpicCom acquisition
Diamond Innovator Partner Palo Alto Networks
COmpany name change and new address of Thein Security s.r.o.
Merger of Cybersecurity Guard a.s. and Thein Security s.r.o.
Second Executive officer of Thein Security s.r.o., Michal Polesný
M-COM s.r.o. acquisition
Our Company DNA, what is important to us
Our Mission, Vision and unique Value Proposition.
Our Mission
We know and do cyber security because we enjoy it. Protecting what matters to you is our goal.
Our Vision
We are a trusted and long-term partner to our customers and together with them we create a secure cyber environment.
Our Value Proposition
We help companies minimize cyber threats.
Team Thein Security
Meet our Management Team.
Irena Hýsková
Ondřej Remeš
Cybersecurity Director
Petr Zahálka
Sales Director
Marek Ornst
Sales Strategic Director
Jiří Mrózek
Business Development
Jan Pinta
Business Development
Jan Linhart
Chief Solution Architect
Oldřich Gosman
SOC Program Manager
Patrik Budz
SOC Manager
Jakub Dzúrik
Pre-Sales & Product Manager
Andrea Laušmanová
Process & Operations Manager
Šárka Novotná
Communications Manager
ISO certification
Every year we get audited and recertified for ISO 9001 and ISO 27001.
We are not only about work
We participate in conferences, seminars, organize events for our team and customers.
Company details
Our address, email and bank information.
Pikrtova 1737/1a, 140 00 Praha 4 – Nusle
Business Register: Thein Security: filed at the Prague Municipal court, section C, mark 109813
IČO: 27415546
DIČ: CZ 27415546
Email: info@thein.eu
Data box: z4vpz29
Bank account number 95111159/5500 SWIFT RZBCCZPP
IBAN CZ1555000000000095111159
Call us: +420 277 278 778
Contact us
Leave us your contact details and we´ll get back to you.